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Archivi tag: Prilep
My Evs, a smile that I’ll bring with me
A brief reflection before coming back home in Italy At the beginning of December, it was Monday, I came back in Prilep after some weeks abroad for a training course and a job interview. I took the bus from Skopje … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Evs, Macedonia, Prilep, Sve
Contrassegnato daniele ferro, european voluntary service, evs, macedonia, Prilep, servizio volontario europeo, sve
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“Go abroad, if you don’t find a job here”
He’s a “man of the bazaar”. Who doesn’t know, in Prilep, that in the centre of the city you can eat sandwiches and fried potatoes at the Pink Panter fast food? Maybe what is not known is that Zlatko Momiroski, … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Macedonia, Prilep, Senza categoria
Contrassegnato daniele ferro, european voluntary service, evs, info front, macedonia, pink panter, Prilep, servizio volontario europeo, sve, Zlatko Momiroski
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Prilep, China, and the globalisation at home
At the end of the last October a delegation of Deyang, the Chinese city with which Prilep is twinned, came here and visited the factories of the area. Maybe, China is interested in them. The recent history of China is … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Evs, Macedonia, Prilep, Sve
Contrassegnato daniele ferro, Deng Xiaoping, Deyang, european voluntary service, evs, globalisation, macedonia, Prilep
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Cronache macedoni 5 – Sve, un viaggio nella vita
La quinta puntata della rubrica “Cronache macedoni” racconta un fine settimana al lago di Ohrid, tra solitudine e incontri che mi aiutano a riflettere [nota: le foto sono in bassa qualità] Al quarto campanello a cui suono alle nove di … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Cronache macedoni, Macedonia, Prilep, Sve
Contrassegnato daniele ferro, evs, macedonia, ohrid, Prilep, servizio volontario europeo, sve, Sveti Jovan Kaneo, sveti naum
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MYG – Magazine for Youth Generation n.2
The second edition of MYG – Magazine for Youth Generation has been published by my hosting organization Info Front – Prilep! Art, Evs experiences, Youth activism, globalisation, environment, Web 2.0 are some of the magazine’s subjects. You can read them … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Evs, Macedonia, Prilep, Sve
Contrassegnato daniele ferro, european voluntary service, evs, info front, macedonia, Prilep, servizio volontario europeo, sve
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“Be always optimistic. Even when it seems impossible”
The office of Info Front association I’m volunteering for is in the same building of a factory where parts of shoes are produced. Almost every day I have the pleasure to say dobro utro – good morning – to the … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Evs, Macedonia, Prilep, Sve
Contrassegnato daniele ferro, european voluntary service, evs, info front, macedonia, magazine for youth generation, myg, Prilep, servizio volontario europeo, sve
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Cronache macedoni 4 – In viaggio con il conflitto etnico
La quarta puntata della rubrica “Cronache macedoni” parla del conflitto etnico tra popolazione macedone e albanese, e di un lungo viaggio per arrivare a Neukalen, in Germania. Il ragazzo di fianco a me sembra ignorarmi, e io d’altronde non cerco … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Cronache macedoni, Macedonia, Prilep, Sve
Contrassegnato daniele ferro, evs, macedonia, Prilep, servizio volontario europeo, sve
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“Europe is like a melting pot, even if it’s not still working a lot”. A talk with Elodie, Evs volunteer in Prilep
In this episode of “Here we are – People of Prilep”, I interview Elodie, a French Evs volunteer. We talked about her country and cultural integration, Macedonia and Europe. The following lines are only some extracts from the interview, in … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Evs, Macedonia, MieiLavori, Prilep, Radio, Sve
Contrassegnato daniele ferro, macedonia, multikulti, Prilep, servizio volontario europeo, sve
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Global news, 22-28 July
Global news is my weekly newscast for the MultiKulti radio of CID association (Center for intercultural dialogue). I contribute to the radio of Kumanovo from Prilep, where I’m doing the Evs project “The missing ingredient”.
Pubblicato in Macedonia, MieiLavori, Radio
Contrassegnato cid, daniele ferro, evs, Fukushima, macedonia, multikulti, Prilep
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