Archivi tag: multikulti

“Europe is like a melting pot, even if it’s not still working a lot”. A talk with Elodie, Evs volunteer in Prilep

In this episode of “Here we are – People of Prilep”, I interview Elodie, a French Evs volunteer. We talked about her country and cultural integration, Macedonia and Europe. The following lines are only some extracts from the interview, in … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Evs, Macedonia, MieiLavori, Prilep, Radio, Sve | Contrassegnato , , , , , | Lascia un commento

Global news, 22-28 July

Global news is my weekly newscast for the MultiKulti radio of CID association (Center for intercultural dialogue). I contribute to the radio of Kumanovo from Prilep, where I’m doing the Evs project “The missing ingredient”.

Pubblicato in Macedonia, MieiLavori, Radio | Contrassegnato , , , , , , | Lascia un commento