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Archivi tag: info front
“Go abroad, if you don’t find a job here”
He’s a “man of the bazaar”. Who doesn’t know, in Prilep, that in the centre of the city you can eat sandwiches and fried potatoes at the Pink Panter fast food? Maybe what is not known is that Zlatko Momiroski, … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Macedonia, Prilep, Senza categoria
Contrassegnato daniele ferro, european voluntary service, evs, info front, macedonia, pink panter, Prilep, servizio volontario europeo, sve, Zlatko Momiroski
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MYG – Magazine for Youth Generation n.2
The second edition of MYG – Magazine for Youth Generation has been published by my hosting organization Info Front – Prilep! Art, Evs experiences, Youth activism, globalisation, environment, Web 2.0 are some of the magazine’s subjects. You can read them … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Evs, Macedonia, Prilep, Sve
Contrassegnato daniele ferro, european voluntary service, evs, info front, macedonia, Prilep, servizio volontario europeo, sve
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“Be always optimistic. Even when it seems impossible”
The office of Info Front association I’m volunteering for is in the same building of a factory where parts of shoes are produced. Almost every day I have the pleasure to say dobro utro – good morning – to the … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Evs, Macedonia, Prilep, Sve
Contrassegnato daniele ferro, european voluntary service, evs, info front, macedonia, magazine for youth generation, myg, Prilep, servizio volontario europeo, sve
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MYG – Magazine for Youth Generation
After weeks of work, the first edition of MYG – Magazine for Youth Generation, has been published and it’s circulating in Prilep. Youth activism, globalisation, environment, human rights, Evs experiences are some of the magazine’s subjects. MYG wants to be … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Evs, Macedonia, Prilep, Sve
Contrassegnato daniele ferro, dario fo, evs, franca rame, info front, macedonia, myg, Prilep, servizio volontario europeo, sve
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Global news, 14-21 July
Global news is my weekly newscast for the MultiKulti radio of CID association (Center for intercultural dialogue). I contribute to the radio of Kumanovo from Prilep, where I’m doing the Evs project “The missing ingredient”.
Pubblicato in Macedonia, MieiLavori, Radio
Contrassegnato Alexei Navalny, cid, daniele ferro, Edward Snowden, evs, global news, info front, kumanovo, macedonia, Trayvon Martin
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Cronache macedoni 3 – Un sabato sera balcanico
La terza puntata della rubrica “Cronache macedoni” racconta una notte trascorsa in compagnia di nuovi amici. Qualcosa non mi torna, quando di notte parcheggiamo l’auto davanti al cancello del monastero. Ma sto imparando che qui, in certe situazioni, è meglio … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Cronache macedoni, Macedonia, Prilep
Contrassegnato daniele ferro, evs, info front, macedonia, Prilep, servizio volontario europeo, sve, Treskavec
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Can a glass of milk damage the planet? The ecological footprint
This is one of the articles I wrote for “Myg”, the Magazine for youth generation of Info Front – Prilep association. I tried to explain the concept of the ecological footprint. When we walk on the sand, or when the … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Evs, Macedonia, Prilep, Sve
Contrassegnato daniele ferro, evs, info front, macedonia, Prilep, servizio volontario europeo, sve
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“Guys, don’t choose the wrong way. You could like it”
Myg, the “Magazine for youth generation” of Info Front association we have worked for in the last weeks, is almost ready to be published. Here I post the interview I made to Simon Bidjoski, a 70 years old man who, … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Evs, Macedonia, Prilep, Sve
Contrassegnato daniele ferro, evs, info front, macedonia, Prilep, servizio volontario europeo, sve
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Cronache macedoni 1 – So da dove vengo ma non dove arriverò
“Cronache macedoni” è la rubrica che scrivo per un mensile dell’Oltrepò pavese con la speranza di fare conoscere lo Sve ad altri giovani. Puoi scaricare la prima parte in pdf – il racconto dell’arrivo a Prilep – oppure leggerla di … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Cronache macedoni, Macedonia, Prilep, Prosa e "spoesia" / Prose and poetry, Sve
Contrassegnato daniele ferro, evs, info front, macedonia, porta nuova europa, Prilep, servizio volontario europeo
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